Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a person-centered and evidence-based approach aimed at understanding and addressing challenging behaviors in individuals, particularly those with developmental disabilities, neurodevelopmental disorders, or other complex support needs. The primary goal of PBS is to improve an individual's quality of life by reducing challenging behaviors and enhancing their well-being through proactive and constructive strategies.
PBS is commonly used in various settings, including schools, residential facilities, and home environments, to support individuals with a range of behavioral and developmental challenges. It has been particularly effective in improving the lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disabilities, among other conditions. PBS is grounded in a positive and compassionate approach to behavior change, aiming to enhance the overall well-being and quality of life of those it serves.
At Sitaray, we adhere to the PBS philosophy in our approach and methodology. Functional behaviour assessments (FBA’s) are conducted by Dr. Adnan Khan who is a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) and the Clinical Director at Sitaray. Dr. Adnan has over ten years of experience in conducting FBA’s including Functional Analysis in a wide variety of settings including client homes, schools, residential and vocational settings. Listed below are some of the key components and principles of our PBS programme:
Person-Centered Approach: Our PBS programme begins with a thorough assessment of the individual's unique strengths, preferences, needs, and goals. It places the person at the center of the process and respects their dignity and autonomy.
Functional Assessment: A functional assessment seeks to understand why challenging behaviors occur. It examines the antecedents (what triggers the behavior), the behavior itself, and the consequences (what maintains the behavior). This analysis helps us to identify the function or purpose of the behavior.
Prevention: Our PBS approach emphasizes proactive strategies to prevent challenging behaviors before they occur. This includes modifying the environment, routines, and communication to reduce triggers and stressors.
Teaching Alternative Skills: Instead of focusing solely on eliminating challenging behaviors, our programme promotes the teaching of alternative, more adaptive skills. This might involve teaching communication, social, coping, and problem-solving skills as alternatives to challenging behaviors.
Use of Evidence-Based Interventions: Our PBS interventions are based on empirical research and best practices in behavior analysis and other relevant fields. Strategies are tailored to the individual's needs and preferences.
Positive Reinforcement: Our PBS methodology relies on positive reinforcement to increase the likelihood of desired behaviors. Preferred rewards, such as praise, access to preferred activities, or tangible items, are used to reinforce appropriate behavior.
Data Collection and Monitoring: Our therapists regularly engage in data collection which is essential to assess the effectiveness of interventions and make necessary adjustments. Data help measure progress and guide decision-making.
Team Collaboration: Our PBS approach is a collaborative process involving a team of professionals, caregivers, and support staff. Each team member plays a role in implementing strategies and monitoring progress.
Crisis Management and Safety Plans: While the emphasis is on prevention and proactive strategies, our PBS programme also includes crisis management plans for situations where challenging behaviors do occur. These plans prioritize safety and aim to minimize harm to all involved.
Ethical Considerations: Our PBS programme adheres to ethical principles, including the promotion of the individual's rights, respect for dignity, informed consent, and the least restrictive intervention necessary.
Cultural Competence: Our PBS Practitioners are culturally competent and consider the individual's cultural background and values in the planning and implementation of interventions.